Monday, 8 December 2014

Basis of cloud selection – Compatibility, Reliability, Scalability, References, Trust and User-friendly environment

We have checked the importance of backups, SLA, Location, Exit criteria and Accessibility in previous post for Software development companies in India.  We would explore and discuss few other parameters that are very important for cloud vendor selection namely compatibility, Reliability, Scalability, References, Trust and User-friendly environment.

  • Compatibility - Compatibility of the SaaS, PaaS and IaaS services with your applications, systems needs to be optimum to work with your organization, users, and customers. 

  • Reliability - Even without outside attacks, Cloud services may fail. However online storage can be reliable as well, as we know that the workstations may crash some time leading to loss of data, which is less probable if it is stored on the cloud.

  • Scalability - Companies data storage requirements double every 2 years. Ensuring if the data center can accommodate this growth is needed.

  • References - Before you making a commitment, the companies should ask the vendor to submit three customer references. Then the buyer should run down this list and check off each point that the references respond to positively. If a positive reinforcement on each and every point is received, one can be sure about that cloud providers credibility to some extent.

  • Trust - The public cloud services providers have to improve and aggressively guarantee SLA performance to meet enterprise expectations before some of the “trust barriers” that have formed can be removed.

  • User-friendly environment - The companies should look for a cloud station where you can move about intuitively, quickly and with immediate signs of progress. Whatever the user experiences in the first five minutes generally gives a very good indication of what the rest of the activity will be like. 

Software development companies in India can refer above points while giving suggestions and inputs for cloud vendor selection.

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